Boom Beach (The New Update)



  • Operation: Forlorn Hope.
  • Cycle of Evil event: Imitation Game.
  • Gearheart Base layouts.
– HQ Upgrade requirements added to levels 6-8
– Retreating Critters no longer explode
– Defensive building ranges now shown during replays
– Base Layout improvements

– Friendly Challenge improvements

Operation: Forlorn Hope

Cycle of Evil event: Imitation Game

Forlorn Hope and Imitation Game ommanders, the Sneak Peeks are already rolling in!
Lt. Hammerman has copied the BEST player bases in the Archipelago and now you have the chance to destroy them. Imitation Game is the newest addition to the Cycle of Evil and will feature 7 stages of increasing difficulty. The bases will feature persistent damage, but you will only have 10 attacks to take them down.


Imitation Game…tion-game.html

Gearheart Base layouts.

Colonel Gearheart is the character that appears with the War Factory event. This event starts at 6 a.m. for your time zone every 7 days and lasts for 21 hours. These event times are affected by Daylight Saving Time. You must defeat her level 45 War Factory to unlock the event. The event consists of one large base which you destroy as much as you can of to earn rewards.

Good news! You can select multiple base layouts to survive Gearheart.

Boom Beach Base

Boom Beach Base 2


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