Clash of Clans Revenge


Clash of clans is the world’s super most highly ranked game played by millions of people around the world developed and published by Supercell. The game was released for iOS platforms on August 2, 2012, and for Google Play Android on October 7, 2013.

Clash of Clans assign tasks for players to build their own town using the resources which are bought with either elixir, gold or dark elixir gained from attacking other players through the game’s fighting features. The main resources for treasure are gold, elixir and dark elixir. Players can combine to create clans, groups of up to 50 people who can then participate in Clan Wars together, donate and receive troops, and chat with each other. Clash of Clans was released with positive reviews, gaining high ratings from many critics.

There’s a situation when u go offline meanwhile your village is being raided by someone and gets maximum loot from resources and storages , that’s the worst feeling only a clash of clan player can understand and he prepares himself to get the revenge.

Here is a tv commercial portraying  a situation when u get raided in coc and how it feels. This feeling ultimately projects the burning urge to take revenge.


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